miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

My Favorite TV show

How I meet your mother 

"How I meet your mother" is an American sitcom, created by Craig Thomas and Carter Bays, and it was 
released in September of 2005. The plot of this sitcom is about a man: Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) and his four best friends. The story begins in 2030, with Ted related to his children how he met their mother, and like this in every episode narrates a different event that takes him to their mother. 

The sitcom has 9 seasons (208 episodes)
Well, I´m not a big fan of series of television. only because I don´t have the comitment for it. Even, it always happens to me that I watch the first episode, some of the final, and the last one. I can understand the serie when this one is short, but it is almost impossible when it addresses about long series like this one. In this case, my brother knew this serie and he told me everyday that I needed to watch it, but complete. And I did it, when I have a free moment, I try to watch some episode, It took me some time, but I did it. And now, this is my favorite sitcom. 
I like so much, in the first place for the characters, all appeared to me so nice and singular. In special Ted Mosby: an eternal romantic that believes in the true love, who tries -of the best way- to learn about every love experience. In the second place, the serie has so many real and funny situations and it shows us the value of the real friendship in the length of the time.
I would like to add that I don´t have a favorite episode. It was a surprise for me, but I found every episode so good. I recommend to watch it, I know that it is very long, but you will not regret to spend your time in that.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate Studies 

I love psychology very much . I think that this one is so interesting and curious, and I would learn things about this all my life. Nevertheless, I am an ambitious person about knowledge and I want to learn more things, for that, I would like -when I finish my career of psychology- to study pedagogy in history and work as a teacher, and if the time is on my side, I would like to study literature. Both for pleasure. 

The first one, because I have always liked history very much, I think that this one is important for our daily life because knowing about our mistakes, we can try to change the future or try to fix the mistakes of the past. This reminds me a good phrase: "A town without memory, is a town without future", this phare appeared so interesting for me because I like history so much for this: we need to know to remember the injustices and like this, change the future and dated the things that hurt the town (like the military dictatorship, for example). 
The second one, is for hobby, I always like to read and write very much, even when I was a little girl, I always dreamed to be a write -or a famous writed, on really-. I still want this, it will be my frustrated dream jajaja.

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

My future job

My future job

When I think in the future, I don´t have a clear vision about it, because so many times I decide take changes so radicals that change my plan of life. Psychology, for example, was my first priority when I have thirteen, but that change with the years (because pedagogy in history was in my options, too) and only, I decide definitely the last year for it. Now, I think in that how the job that I want.
I would like to work as a psychology, and I can imagine me in that. I think in me, working in a hospital or a clinic, try to help the people to resolve their problems.

Would I like to travel for my job? Yeah, I would like to travel and can know and learn how the psychology works in other countries and cultures. It be excellent learn more about the problems that the people have in different places of the word... In that case, I can´t work in a office, obviously, but I don´t have any problem, I think that always is enriching work in different situations.
I think that it is important to say that I am ready to work so hard in my career for reach that. Psychology appeared to me so interesting and I want to learn so much about it. I hope that I can learn so much things that I can apply in my daily life. And I hope (that is so important to me) try to help the people to change their bad mentality about the life: I will try to show them, that with hard work and positivity mentality, they can try to get over their problems.

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

Election Day

Election Day

A polemic theme, nevertheless so important for everybody as a nation. I think that more than approving or disapproving the act of voting, it´s important to know the relevance that this means in our lives beacuse in this simple act we can exercise democracy.
Personally, I prefer voting and I will vote this next elections because I think that I can make the diference.
However I would like the people vote but well-informed about the electoral campaigns because the 
majority vote misinformed or only for voting. This is so important: know about the proposals of every campaign and vote consciously.
I don´t like the electoral campaigns very much, because I believe that the politicians take advantage of the necessities of the people to make fake proposals only for people who vote for them. This appered to me so disastrous. But, we need to try to know this risk and evaluate the proposals for voting, at least, for someone convincing.

It´s important to consider, the qualities of the person that we will vote for. I think that she/he needs to be honest, fair, critc and good. And with these qualities, can help the country and the people.
I consider to get involved in politic, but I will never do it. More than everything, because, I lost the faith in the politics, I prefer to have hope only  in the persons, they (or we) make the changes that the country needs.
Hum, I would really like that the electoral campaigns was more real, that they talked about the real changes that they could do, and didn´t make promises just to "look" good.