miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate Studies 

I love psychology very much . I think that this one is so interesting and curious, and I would learn things about this all my life. Nevertheless, I am an ambitious person about knowledge and I want to learn more things, for that, I would like -when I finish my career of psychology- to study pedagogy in history and work as a teacher, and if the time is on my side, I would like to study literature. Both for pleasure. 

The first one, because I have always liked history very much, I think that this one is important for our daily life because knowing about our mistakes, we can try to change the future or try to fix the mistakes of the past. This reminds me a good phrase: "A town without memory, is a town without future", this phare appeared so interesting for me because I like history so much for this: we need to know to remember the injustices and like this, change the future and dated the things that hurt the town (like the military dictatorship, for example). 
The second one, is for hobby, I always like to read and write very much, even when I was a little girl, I always dreamed to be a write -or a famous writed, on really-. I still want this, it will be my frustrated dream jajaja.

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